Treatment Strategies for MIO of Sacroiliac Luxation

The surgical repair of sacroiliac luxations/fractures (SIL/F) is most often performed using open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) via an ilio-sacral lag screw and washer. In part because post-operative morbidity and suboptimal fixation reported with ORIF, conservative management of SIL/F remains an accepted option despite potentially slower and more painful recovery. To hasten return to acceptable function, reduce post-operative complications and optimize fixation, minimally invasive osteosynthesis (MIO) techniques have been devised in human and veterinary orthopedics. Reliance on intraoperative fluoroscopic imaging to visualize the sacral target, however, results in insidious and deleterious exposure of the surgical team to ionizing radiations. In recent years, various instrumentation systems have been devised to further optimize the accuracy of sacral screw location and orientation while reducing radiation exposure. Speakers will briefly summarize conventional SIL/F treatments, present recent developments using MIO techniques, and introduce future strategies in the management of SIL.


Loic Dejardin, DVM, MS, DACVS, DECVS will facilitate the following presentations:

  • Alexis Bilmont, DVM, DECVS: Outcome of MIO of SIL/F in Cats Using Custom SILIS-MILAD
  • Loic Dejardin, DVM, MS, DACVS, DECVS: From SILIS-MILAD Assisted MIO of SIL/F to Robotics
  • Laurent P. Guiot, DVM, DECVS, DACVS (Small Animal), ACVS Founding Fellow, Minimally Invasive Surgery (Small Animal Orthopedics): Experience with A Novel Device for MIO of SIL/F
  • Bryan T. Torres, DVM, PhD, DACVS (Small Animal), DACVSMR: Experience with the Original MIO SI Luxation Technique

CE Credit

RACE Program #20-1106124 is approved for 1.25 hours of continuing education credits in jurisdictions which recognize the American Association of Veterinary State Boards’ (AAVSB) Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE). However, participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions on certain methods of delivery of continuing education. RACE is approved through October 2, 2025.

Registration Rates

Registration Rates
ACVS/ECVS Diplomate/Emeritus Diplomate $45
ACVS/ECVS Resident 20
Veterinary/Other Professional 65
Student/Intern/Technician 30


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Laurent Guiot, DVM, DACVS (Small Animal)

Orthopedic Surgeon

ACCESS Bone & Joint Center, ACCESS Animal Hospitals

Dr. Guiot is a world-class orthopedic surgeon with a passion for excellence. Following his residency, Dr. Guiot became an assistant professor of orthopedic surgery in the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences and an attending orthopedic surgeon at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Michigan State University. He was then recruited to lead the creation of a new orthopedic surgery facility for The Ohio State University. Since his arrival at ACCESS, he co-developed with Dr. Reunan Guillou the first total joint replacement center in California, and one of the very few centers in the world. Here, they offer a comprehensive total joint replacement center, performing total elbow, total hip, total knee, and total ankle replacements. His major interest is orthopedic trauma and minimally invasive orthopedic surgery. He routinely presents his work internationally and is an active member of major national and international orthopedic programs, including the Veterinary Orthopedic Society, AO Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen, and the Orthopedic Research Society. As part of his commitment to further the quality of orthopedic care for animals, Dr. Guiot is deeply involved with educational organizations. Recently, he was appointed chair of the educational commission of AO Vet North America to lead the organization over the next few years. He is committed to the improvement of patient care through the development of surgical techniques, instrumentation, and implants used for the treatment of orthopedic patients. As a recognition of his major achievements in the field of fracture repair, Dr. Guiot has been nominated as an ACVS Founding Fellow, Minimally Invasive Surgery (Small Animal Orthopedics). This status represents the highest level of expertise in the field and will allow the bone and joint center to become an official training center for minimally invasive procedures in orthopedics.


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15 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  13/15 points to pass Please complete the following True or False questions.
1.25 credits  |  Certificate available
1.25 credits  |  Certificate available