CE Credits

Maintenance of certification

ACVS-provided webinars are approved for one activity point per RACE-approved continuing education (CE) hour toward ACVS Diplomate maintenance of certification (MOC). Diplomates must complete the required post-presentation questions for ACVS to record the activity in their MOC record. Webinars for which RACE approval has expired cannot be used for maintenance of certification. Diplomates are responsible for recording ACVS-provided webinar activities completed before November 1, 2020.

Continuing education credit

These offerings are of varying lengths. The description of each offering notes the number of CE hours. Each ACVS offering has been approved or is awaiting approval for CE credits in jurisdictions which recognize the American Association of Veterinary State Boards’ Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE). Participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions on certain methods of delivery of CE. CE offerings are recognized by the State Education Department of New York. Check offering descriptions for the current status of CE approval.

Obtaining your continuing education credit certificate

  • After attending a live webinar, you will be asked to complete a short evaluation on the webinar Contents tab. Once the evaluation is complete, your CE certificate will become available for download on the webinar Contents tab. 
  • For on-demand webinars, you will be asked to complete a multiple-choice quiz based on the content of the webinar. After completing the quiz, you will then be able to download your CE certificate on the webinar Contents tab. 
  • The Transcript page on the My Dashboard page will show a complete list of all earned CE certificates.