Small Intestinal Surgery in Cattle
Although general principles of intestinal surgery can be applied to treat small intestinal disorders in cattle, there are anatomical and behavior peculiarities that must be known. This webinar focuses on specific disorders of the small intestine and surgical techniques used to optimize prognosis.
Emma Marchionatti, DMV, MSc, DACVS (Large Animal), will facilitate the following presentations:
- Amanda Hartnack, DVM, MS, BA, DACVS (Large Animal): HBS or Intussusception? Differentiating Similar Conditions via Exploratory Laparotomy and Making Surgical Choices in Cattle
- Sylvain Nichols, DMV, MS, DACVS (Large Animal): Duodenal Surgery in Cattle
CE Credit
This webinar is approved for 1.5 hours of continuing education in jurisdictions which recognize the American Association of Veterinary State Boards’ (AAVSB) Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE).
Webinar Length: 1.5 hours
CE Credits: 1.5 credits
MOC: 1.5 points
Rates per individual webinar (live and on-demand)
ACVS/ECVS Diplomate/Emeritus Diplomate $70
ACVS/ECVS Resident* $30
Veterinary/Other Professional $85
Student/Intern/Technician $45

Amanda Hartnack, DVM, MS, BA, DACVS (Large Animal)
Assistant Professor
University of Zürich

Emma Marchionatti, DMV, MSc, DACVS (Large Animal) (Moderator)
Senior Lecturer in Farm Animal Surgery
University of Bern
Dr. Marchionatti has been a senior lecturer of farm animal surgery at the University of Bern, Switzerland since 2019. She obtained her veterinary degree from the University of Turin in Italy in 2010. Following two years in large animal private practice, she completed an internship and a large animal surgery residency and obtained a master's of science degree in biomedicine from the University of Montreal, Canada. She held clinical instructor positions at the University of Montreal, Canada and at the University of Zurich, Switzerland after her residency program. She has been a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons since 2017.

Sylvain Nichols, DMV, MS, DACVS (Large Animal)
University of Montreal
DVM obtained from the University of Montréal in 2001. Internship in food animal medicine and surgery performed at the University of Montréal in 2001. Private practice in a dairy intensive area of Québec for 2 years. Residency in food animal surgery. Two years completed at The Ohio State University and one 1 year at Kansas State University. Master’s degree obtained in 2007 from The Ohio State University. Boarded from the American College of Veterinary Surgery in 2008. Since 2007, Professor in food animal medicine and surgery at the University of Montréal. Area of interest: orthopedic surgery and teat surgery.