Enhancing Recovery: Advancements in Rehabilitation for the Equine Surgeon

Includes a Live Web Event on 05/15/2025 at 6:00 PM (EDT)

This webinar will explore the latest advancements and techniques in equine rehabilitation that are relevant to equine surgeons, aimed at enhancing outcomes for equine athletes. Topics will include strategies for recovery following laparotomy and laparoscopy, targeted treatments for neurologic conditions and post-cervical vertebral fusion, and cutting-edge approaches to improving outcomes in musculoskeletal disease.


Kara Brown, VMD, DACVSMR, will facilitate the following presenters:

  • Tena Ursini, DVM, PhD, DACVSMR, CERP
  • Julie Vargas, DVM
  • Melissa King, DVM, PhD, DACVSMR


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CE Credit

This webinar is awaiting approval for 1.5 hours of continuing education in jurisdictions which recognize the American Association of Veterinary State Boards’ (AAVSB) Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE).


image   Webinar Length: 1.5 hours        image   CE Credits: 1.5 credits       image   MOC: 1.5 points 


Rates per individual webinar

Includes access to live webinar and on-demand recording

Registration Rates
ACVS/ECVS Diplomate/Emeritus Diplomate $67.50
ACVS/ECVS Resident 34.50
Other Resident 34.50
Veterinary/Other Professional 90
Student/Intern/Technician 45


Learn about 2025 Access Passes

Kara Brown, VMD, DACVSMR (Moderator)

Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Resident

University of Pennsylvania, New Bolton Center

Kara Brown, VMD, DACVSMR, is currently a lecturer in Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Pennsylvania, New Bolton Center. Dr. Brown graduated from veterinary school in 2014, after which she completed a one year private practice internship at Woodside Equine Clinic in Ashland, Virginia, and a one year in-hospital rotating internship at New Bolton Center. Dr. Brown then completed a one year clinical fellowship in Cardiology and Ultrasound in addition to a residency in Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, both at New Bolton Center. Dr. Brown’s clinical interests include recognition and treatment of neck and back pain in the sport horse.

Tena Ursini, DVM, PhD, DACVSMR

University of Tennessee

 Dr. Ursini graduated from Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine.  After graduation she completed two rotating internships at Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery in Weatherford Tx, and Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, KY.  After internships, she completed a sports medicine and rehabilitation residency and became board certified in the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation.  Dr. Ursini is currently an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee.  Her research focus is on biomechanics and electromyography of all animal athletes as well as validating rehabilitation protocols and modalities. 

Julie Vargas, DVM

Sport Horse and Rehabilitation Veterinarian

Spy Coast Farm

Dr. Vargas is a graduate of the University of Georgia, College of Veterinary Medicine. She completed a hospital and an ambulatory internship at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, KY and subsequently worked for a sport horse practice in Wellington, FL. She holds certificates in equine acupuncture and equine veterinary spinal manipulation from the Chi University in Reddick, FL. Dr. Vargas currently works at Spy Coast Farm in Lexington, KY where she oversees the rehabilitation and fitness center as well as provides sport horse care for the young horse training division. Dr. Vargas has a passion for equine sport horse medicine and strives to find the best outcome for her patients combining years of conventional veterinary medical practice with alternative and regenerative therapies.


Enhancing Recovery: Advancements in Rehabilitation for the Equine Surgeon
05/15/2025 at 6:00 PM (EDT)  |  90 minutes
05/15/2025 at 6:00 PM (EDT)  |  90 minutes